Insights by Fortitude Investment Group

Fortitude Investment Group Proudly Supports GLADS

Written by Daniel Raupp | Mar 22, 2021 2:25:54 PM

At Fortitude Investment Group, we’re proud supporters of GLADS (Generating Learning and Appreciation for Down Syndrome). This organization was founded by Joyce and Fritz Trinklein, a wonderful couple who have been mentors for my wife and me.

The Trinkleins first learned their baby had Down Syndrome in the delivery room.  As they raised their child, they quickly discovered that Down Syndrome isn’t a medical condition or an illness. Rather, it’s a trait with many beautiful aspects. This led them to form GLADS, an organization dedicated to encouraging parents to carry their infants to term and accept them into their families. The organization also provides financial support and advocates for prospective parents who are considering adopting an infant with Down Syndrome.

Facts About Down Syndrome

Despite common misconceptions, studies show that 99% of people with Down Syndrome live very positive and happy lives. Sadly, many expecting parents are uninformed about what it’s like raising a child with DS. The truth is, 96% of parents who carry their DS child to term and choose to raise him or her are pleased with their decision.

People with DS also have a positive impact on their families. Ninety percent of siblings say they’re proud of their brother or sister with DS and they believe that they’ve made them a better person.

Assistance for Adoptive Parents

While birth parents are almost always the first choice for raising a child with DS, if they’re unable to do so, GLADS helps to connect them with parents who are eager to adopt their child. This service is provided at no cost to the birth parents.

GLADS partners with the National Down Syndrome Adoption Network, which helps to coordinate the adoption process. Together, the two organizations offer grants to cover up to 25% of adoption costs (or a maximum of $2,500) to parents adopting a baby with Down Syndrome. In addition, their website features many moving and inspiring stories of successful adoptions.

You can learn more about this organization and lend your support by visiting You can also reach out to me directly for more information at